Weight Loss

tape measure around waist

Do you ever catch yourself thinking, “how did I end up here?”, or seeing your reflection and not recognising yourself?

Maybe you would feel happier with yourself if you lost those last few kilos. You are not alone: almost 60% of Australian and New Zealanders are overweight.

“Obesity’s health consequences include serious chronic health conditions that reduce the overall quality of life.” – The World Health Organisation

With so many products and weight loss systems in the market place how do you decide what is right for you?

As each person is uniquely different we believe it is best to seek qualified professional advice in order to gain long term results, It is important that you follow a weight loss program that suits you without adding further risks to your health and wellbeing. By seeking advice from our qualified Healthcare Practitioners you will better understand the whole picture of weight loss and be empowered with the right information to assist you in making the right decisions, not only for your immediate future, but for the rest of your life. What a great investment!!

The Shake It Professional Weight Management Program combined with the qualified support and advice from our Healthcare Practitioners, is one of the most effective fat loss programs available.

Shake It allows you to lose up to 2kg of fat per week whilst preserving your muscle mass. Most calorie-restricted diets produce disappointing results due to the excessive loss of muscle mass. The loss of muscle reduces your metabolic rate (ability to burn calories) and increases your likelihood of putting the fat back on (yo-yo dieting).

Make an appointment today with our clinic to talk about commencing Shake It, therefore avoiding the damaging effects of yo-yo dieting. Gain long term results and lasting knowledge on how to create the body that you want to see and the health you want to feel.

Our qualified Healthcare Practitioners are the best people to explain Shake It to you. During your first consultation they will complete an analysis of your body composition, help you to set goals and will then continue to monitor your progress during the program and will help you stay focused on your goal and journey. We will also supply you with your own Shake It booklet with detailed dietary advice and your own Shake It Recipe Book full of delicious healthy recipes.

Come on. Don’t wait any longer. Feel Great, Be Healthy. Call us today!!!!!

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